Writer’s Block

There was a time when I effortlessly wrote multiple blog posts each month, a practice that continued for years. However, for the last two years, I’ve been struggling to write anything. It’s not that I haven’t had anything to write about—look, this blog is a platform where I share whatever I learn. I’ve written on various topics in the past. It’s not like I haven’t done anything new in the last two years; I just haven’t felt the urge to write about them or convert my learnings into blog posts. This eventually made my learning activities somewhat stagnant. On the other hand, I became so occupied with work for others (job and clients) that I didn’t realize I was neglecting something that had helped me land jobs, get clients, gain praise from fellow developers worldwide, and build credibility. I shouldn’t have let this happen, but it was unintentional—perhaps a form of writer’s block? Maybe Seth is right here? It’s not that I haven’t produced anything; I did write a few things here and there, including some filler articles just to keep my blog relevant to Google. But I wasn’t satisfied; I wasn’t enjoying it.

Anyway, over the last two years, I’ve been working on two to three major projects: trading automation, GenAI/LLM, and chatbots. As always, I don’t claim to be an expert in any of them. Speaking of trading, I mostly implemented strategies developed by others—they dictated their strategies to me, and I converted them into code. Moving forward, I’ve decided to focus on these two major areas for now. I could certainly write about other topics, but the main theme will revolve around these two areas. Since I couldn’t find the exact material I needed to learn, I’ve decided to write in my own style.

Stay tuned!

Image Created via chatGPT

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