• Getting started with OpenAI Assistant APIs and Python

    Earlier I had discussed using OpenAI Embeddings API to come up with a product recommendation system. In this post, I am going to discuss Assistant APIs, The APIs OpenAI provided to integrate custom GPTs. I am going to create a blog title generator in Flask that will be generating blog titles in the tech/gadget space. In case you are in a hurry you may want to watch the demo video of it: What is a custom GPT? According to OpenAI: …ChatGPT that combine instructions, extra knowledge, and any combination of skills. Custom GPTs, as the name says, are the customized versions of chatGPT that rely on your own data and…

  • Building an E-commerce Product Recommendation System with OpenAI Embeddings in Python

    Earlier I had written a post about using OpenAI APIs to create a stock sentiment analysis by feeding news to GPT models. In this post, I am going to introduce the concepts of Word Embeddings or Embeddings in general. I am going to write a product recommendation system using OpenAI embeddings API that consumes product-related datasets from Kaggle. If you are in hurry or not interested in technical details, check the demo video below:   Before I start developing the system itself, allow me to discuss a few words about embeddings and their need. What are embeddings According to Wikipedia: In natural language processing (NLP), a word embedding is a…