Create your first Web scraper in Go with goQuery
    A beginners tutorial for writing web scrapers in Go language for Yelp.

    Planning to write a book about Web Scraping in Python. Click here to give your feedback I have been covering web scraping for a long time on this blog for a long time but they were mostly in Python; be it requests, Selenium or Scrapy framework, all were based on Python language but scraping is not limited to a specific language. Any language that provides APIs or libraries for an Http client and HTML parser is able to provide you web scraping facility. Go also provides you the ability to write web scrapers. Go is a compiled and static type language and could be very beneficial to write efficient and…

  • Fehrist – Document Indexing Library in Go
    Fehrist is a document indexing library written in Golang which is used to index different kind of text documents

    TLDR: Visit Github repo if you are not interested in the internals of the lib. Today I present you another library I made in Go language, called, Fehrist From the Github README: Fehrist is a pure Go library for indexing different types of documents. Currently, it supports only CSV and JSON but flexible architecture gives you the liberty to add more documents. Fehrist(فہرست) is an Urdu word for Index. Similar terminologies used in Arabic(فھرس) and Farsi(فہرست) as well. Fehrist is based on an Inverted Index data structure for indexing purposes. Why did I make it? It seems I have fallen in love with Golang after Python. Go is an opinionated language…

  • GoCache: LRU Cache Implementation in Go

    I got to know about Golang a year back and did write some toy programs in it while learning but then I gave up as I was not really enjoying despite liking Go language. It is very much like Python but with better performance because it’s compiled. Recently I against wished to do something in Go. This time I did not want to go back to practice topic by topic. I rather thought to do some project and will learn whatever the stuff I need to get the thing done. I have used Memcached in the past in PHP and really liked it so I thought to come up with…

  • Structures and Methods in Go

    In this post I am going to discuss Go lang’s another features, structs As I told earlier that Go is not a typical Object Oriented Language. Structures is kind of answers of what you do with Classes and objects. Well, Structure is not a special concept to Go only. If you have worked on C language then you could have an idea what is it all about. Let’s write a simple program package main import "fmt" type person struct { name string age int height float64 weight float64 } func (p person) get_info() { fmt.Println("Name:- " + p.name) fmt.Println("Age:- ", p.age,"years ") fmt.Println("Height:- ", p.height,"cm") fmt.Println("Weight:- ", p.weight,"KG") } func…

  • Let’s Go:: A very brif introduction to Go language

      Hello World I am back! I know it took *a bit* long resuming this blog as I got pretty busy in other stuff related to my work. Alright so this post is about writing applications in Go, a programming language create at Google by Ken Thompson(“K” from famous K&R) and the creator of Unix and Rob Pike. I had not thought of learning another programming but there a few reasons I go for the Go Go is a minimal language like Python. Since it was developed by Googlers who are also Python lovers, they came up a language which is simple to write like Python but more efficient like…